[Originally at Blind Bride Gets Tactile Wedding Photo Album to Remember Her Special Day by MICHAEL ZHANG]
If you’re a wedding photographer, how do you serve a client who has absolutely no eyesight? A photographer and videographer over in Australia recently teamed up to create a special tactile wedding photo album for their blind bride.
Photographer James Day and videographers Shaun and TJ of Lemon Tree Film House shot the wedding of a couple named Steph and Rob.
Steph has a condition called Cone Rod Dystrophy. It’s an inherited eye disorder that progressed until she became completely blind shortly before she first met her future husband, Rob.
To create a wedding video Steph could cherish, Lemon Tree Film House worked to capture as much audio and narrative on the wedding day as possible.
“James and ourselves would describe, as much as possible, every little detail to Steph from the direction of the sun, to the landscape, expressions on loved ones faces, how beautiful Steph looked in her dress,” the videographers say, “and every time we described a scene to Steph we were reminded just how lucky we are to be able to see those details with our own eyes, how we take our vision for granted every day as we look into our lover’s eyes, watch our children grow, ocean waves roll and the sun rise and set each day.”
Day also came up with the idea of presenting Steph with 10 pieces of fabric throughout the day that were each infused with a different essential oil. By feeling and smelling the fabrics afterward, Steph was instantly brought back to those special moments during her wedding.
See the full article at https://petapixel.com/2019/01/10/blind-bride-gets-tactile-wedding-photo-album-to-remember-her-special-day/ or read more awesome stuff at https://www.dowoakevents.com/services
Every wedding is a unique affair. That’s part of what makes them great, honestly. But this is definitely one that would have been extra awesome to witness.